Sentence Starters

School day

Early in the day, the students flock to the school grounds and sluggishly make their way to their period one classes. Period one is not only a struggle for the students but also the teachers, it can be very difficult to keep the kids awake. Sleepily they day dream while looking out the window, wishing they were still in bed. Ring, goes the bell and the students and the teachers are both relieved that the period is over. Eventually the students will make it to interval. Excitement starts to fill the whole school as everyone sees their friends again for the 50th day in a row. Everyone’s energy starts to rise and at period three everyone is awake, but maybe to much. Noise fills the classroom to the brim, and the teachers become fed up with it. Students get told off left, right and center, and they suddenly become quiet again, frightened of the teacher, and what they would do. By period four, the students are again excited at what may happen at lunch, also they are getting hungry. Lunch boxes are opened, and food disappears down the students hungry mouths. Period five is much like period one, the teachers struggle to keep the students awake as they are again day dreaming, but this time about what they will do after school.

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